

+370 62927844 - Kęstutis

Darbo laikas

Pirmadienis- Penktadienis: 7:00 - 20:00

Šeštadienis: 9:00 - 20:00

Sekmadienis: 9:00 - 20:00


Susisiekite su mumis dėl statybos darbų technologinių kortelių ar technologijos projekto

A construction site with an archway framed in DensGlass sheathing panels. There is a large plywood board partially covering the entrance. Construction materials, including a metal container and drywall, are scattered around.
A construction site with an archway framed in DensGlass sheathing panels. There is a large plywood board partially covering the entrance. Construction materials, including a metal container and drywall, are scattered around.